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Cysticlean Recipe

Cysticlean Recipe

Creamy Pear, Berry and Yogurt Smoothie 

This hydrating smoothie is packed with nutrients to help tackle cystitis. Much like cranberries, blueberries also contain compounds that can inhibit the adhesion of E. coli to the cells that line the urinary tract.  Yogurt is a natural source of probiotics, beneficial bacteria that, secrete natural antibacterial chemicals (called bacteriocin), and prevent pathogenic bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract.  This smoothie is also a good source of vitamin C which may help acidify the urine, to inhibit the growth of infectious bacteria.  Top with a handful of nuts and seeds for healthy fats if wished. 


Serves 2 

1 large ripe pear, chopped. 

150g blueberries 

250g natural yogurt 

150 ml coconut water 

Handful of ice cubes – optional 

2tsp mixed nuts and seeds to garnish - optional 


Place all the ingredients in a high speed blender and process until smooth and creamy. Add a little more coconut water if needed to thin. 

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